I believe this works as the generic solution:

/*                                                  */
inp.1  = 'Userid   Disk Size'                         
inp.2  = '-------- ---- ----'                         
inp.3  = 'RVDHEIJ  0191   50'                         
inp.4  = 'MAINT    0193   50'                         
inp.5  = 'MAINT    0190  150'                         
inp.6  = 'MAINT    019D  102'                         
inp.7  = 'MAINT    019E  100'                         
inp.8  = 'MAINT    0291  101'                         
inp.9  = 'MAINT    0292  102'                         
inp.10 = 'MAINT    0293  103'                         
inp.11 = 'MAINT    0294  104'                         
inp.12 = 'MAINT    0295  105'                         
inp.0  = 3                                            
'PIPE (End \)', 
'  Stem inp.', 
'| pad 18 ', 
'| chop 18', 
'| t1:take 2', 
'|  Join', 
'| j:Juxtapose', 
'| t2:take 4', 
'| s:Specs', 
'    Outstream 0', 
'    1.18 1', 
'    write', 
'    Outstream 1', 
'    19.18 1', 
'    write', 
'    Outstream 2', 
'    37.18 1', 
'|  Join * / /', 
'| f1:faninany', 
'| f2:faninany ', 
'| console', 
'\ ', 
'   t1:', 
'| j: ', 
'\ ', 
'   t2: ', 
'|  Spec 37-* 1 ', 
'|  Join 3 / / ', 
'| f2: ', 
'\   ', 
'   s:  ' 
'|  Join * / / ', 
'| f1: ', 
'\ ', 
'   s: ', 
'|  Join * / / ', 
'| f1: '

Just for grins, here are the sidebar comments from my test.  The forum does not 
like fixed pitch fonts and messes the entry up if included as such on the code.
/* Variable heading        */
/* - Get input             */
/* - Force fixed length    */
/*                         */
/* - Take heading lines    */
/* - Join into one rec     */
/* - Preface on each rec   */
/* - Take up to 1st four   */
/* - Break into parts      */
/*   - Header line         */
/*                         */
/*                         */
/*   - Dashes              */
/*                         */
/*                         */
/*   - Disk info           */
/*                         */
/* - Join 1-4 headers      */
/* - 1-4 dashes/disks here */
/* - 5-* disk info back    */
/* - Show                  */
/* ----------------------- */
/* - All disk lines        */
/* - Go add hdr preface    */
/* ----------------------- */
/* - Disk lines 5-*        */
/* - Drop header preface   */
/* - Group 1-4 lines       */
/* - To output             */
/* ----------------------- */
/* - Dash lines 1-4        */
/* - Join as many as have  */
/* - to output             */
/* ----------------------- */
/* - Disk info lines 1-4   */
/* - Join as many as have  */
/* - to output             */

Rollin Hill

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