On Oct 21, 2009, at 19:47, Bob Cronin wrote:

To my knowledge, INMR123 is a PIPE sample/example filter, I don't
think it
is used by SENDFILE, but I admit I haven't looked at the SENDFILE
logic in 8
or 10 years (back when I wrote my *LIST-aware version, SENDLIST), so I

I see:

* * * Top of File * * *
/*                                                           */
/*  Copyright -                                              */
/*                                                           */
/*    5741-A05 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. - 1982, 2005          */
/*    LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                   */
/*    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                                   */
/*                                                           */
/*  Status - z/VM   Version 5, Release 2.0                   */
/*                                                           */
--------------------  1314  line(s) not displayed --------------------
      'inmr123' smtp_node smtp_id ss_fn ss_ft ss_fm,
--------------------  89  line(s) not displayed --------------------
      'inmr123' locnode uft_id su_fn su_ft su_fm,
--------------------  401  line(s) not displayed --------------------
* * * End of File * * *

I have no idea what might be a local mod.

-- gil

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