On Wed, 5 Jan 2011 09:11:26 -0500, BC wrote:
>first one on my list would always get ALL the work. I realize it doesn't
>make a difference as long as the work gets done, but for me personally, I
>would rather see all the servers doing approximately the same amount of

Actually, I suppose what's on the other end could give you a perfectly
rational reason to worry about it.  Since all the workers are on the same
VM system, other users are affected equally no matter how their work is
distributed, but if they're talking to different mail servers then using
one of them all the time puts an extra load on its mail server and could
slow down mail for that server's other users.

>I believe I can do that with the idea to extend the sort key using the
>random stage, and I plan to try that.

Yep, that's the way to go for random distribution.  Of course, if some of
the servers run just a *little* faster than some others they'll still be
unfairly loaded.  Another approach you might consider if you need to
avoid that is distributing files round-robin among workers whose loads
are below either some fixed threshold or some average of the load at the
moment.  Query once, save the list of available servers, then give one
file to each before making another query.

¬R  "I love Blip just because it's the absolute opposite of fun"
http://users.bestweb.net/~notr/travelog/19990710.html     --Kibo

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