Season's greetings!

I do not wish to offend, but it would appear that you don't understand
what 1+ means and when it is appropriate.  Nor the finer points of

On 28 December 2012 19:28, Michael Harding <> wrote:
> I recognize 1+ isn't a valid input range, I was just surprised that pick
> didn't support the same notation with substring as without.  In my actual
> code the matching "constant" is a word of variable length coming from
> another source.  Yes, I could reorder to put the input word of interest
> first and use the "1+" notation; or there are several approaches, this just
> seemed the simplest had it worked.
> --
> Mike Harding
> z/VM System Support
> /sp
> CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <> wrote on
> 12/28/2012 09:59:31 AM:
>> From: "John P. Hartmann" <>
>> To:,
>> Date: 12/28/2012 10:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: Pick input range inconsistency
>> Sent by: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <>
>> 1+ is not an inputRange; hence substr is not a substring, but the
>> string ub delimited by s.  Try 1.3 instead.
>> On 28 December 2012 18:36, Michael Harding <> wrote:
>> > pipe literal abcdef 123456|pick 1+ == /abc/|cons
>> > abcdef 123456
>> > Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:29:34
>> > pipe literal abcdef 123456|pick 8+ == /123/|cons
>> > abcdef 123456
>> > Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:29:57
>> > pipe literal abcdef 123456|pick 8+ == /1234/|cons
>> > abcdef 123456
>> > Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:30:25
>> > pipe literal abcdef 123456|pick 8+ == /1235/|cons
>> > Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:30:31
>> > pipe literal abcdef 123456|pick substr 1.3 of w2 == /123/|cons
>> > abcdef 123456
>> > Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:31:08
>> > pipe literal abcdef 123456|pick substr 1+ of w2 == /123/|cons
>> > PIPPIC687E Relational operator expected; found tr.
>> > PIPMSG003I ... Issued from stage 2 of pipeline 1.
>> > PIPMSG001I ... Running "pick substr 1+ of w2 == /123/".
>> > Ready(00687); T=0.01/0.01 09:31:27
>> > pipe query version
>> > PIPINX086I CMS/TSO Pipelines, 5654-030/5655-A17 1.0112
>> > (Version.Release/Mod) - Generated 24 Jul 2012 at 06:07:28.
>> > Ready; T=0.01/0.01 09:32:19
>> >
>> > Oops!
>> > --
>> > Mike Harding
>> > z/VM System Support
>> >
>> > /sp

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