On 2014-06-27, at 09:48, Kris Buelens wrote: > And, in my eyes, LISTFILE's BEFORE and AFTER options have a bug. If there > is no file for the given date range, COMMAND LISTFILE sends an error > message in the PIPE. Normally eror messages should not be produced when a > CMS command is started with the COMMAND stage. > There's some delicate judgment here. Syntax errors in the command string produce messages regardless; other errors don't:
rexx address command "LISTFILE foo bar R"; say RC DMSLST069E Filemode R not accessed 36 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:16:16 rexx address command "LISTFILE foo bar A"; say RC 28 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:16:35 rexx address command "LISTFILE (AFTER 2014-07-01"; say RC DMSLST765E No files matched specified date range 28 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:17:21 rexx address command "LISTFILE (JUNK 2014-07-01"; say RC DMSLST003E Invalid option: JUNK 24 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:17:36 ... but while it's clear to me that DMSLST003E reports a command syntax error, I feel otherwise about DMSLST069E and DMSLST765E. Even worse: rexx address command "QUERY DISK R"; say RC Disk R not accessed 0 Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:23:02 Ugh! Error message not suppressed, and RC=0. -- gil