At first blush, I think this is a job for JUXTAPOSE.

Assuming you're working with something like this:

Device 0192, Status ONLINE
 CHPIDs to Device 0192 (PIM)  : 11 12 1A 22 30 40
  Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +  +  +
  Online               (LPM)  : -  -  +  +  +  -
  Offline by Authorized User  : +  -  -  -  -  -
  Offline by Control Unit     : -  +  -  -  -  +
                       Legend     + Yes - No

I would try:

               c100:                   j800:
+--+   +----+   +-+   +-----+           +-+   +----+   +---+   +----+
+--+   +----+   |i|   +-----+           |u|   +----+   +---+   +----+
                |c|                     |x|
                |k|   +----+   +----+   |t|
                | |-->|pick|-->|pick|-->|a|
                +-+   +----+   +----+   +-+

"pipe (end ? name querypath listerr)",
  "?       cp       query path      ",
  "|       drop     last 1          ", /* No Legend line. */
  "| c100: pick     w1 == /Device/  ",
  "|       specs    w2-4 1.25  recno 26.8 right  x05 n             ",
  "| j800: juxtapose                ",
  "|       pick     w3 \== /ONLINE/ ",
  "|       ....                     ", /* Do some processing here. */
  "|       sort     f1              ", /* Back to original order.  */
  "|       ....                     ", /* More processing          */

  "? c100:                          ",
  "|       pick     w1 \== /Online/ ",
  "|       pick     w2 \== /Available/ ",
  "| j800:                          ",

RECNO ensures that all records return to their positions within the group.

The output from JUXT will look something like this:

0291, Status ONLINE            1*tab*CHPIDs to Device 0291
0291, Status ONLINE            2*tab*Offline by Authorized User
0291, Status ONLINE            3*tab*Offline by Control Unit

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Stanislawski, Shawn (National VM
Capability) <> wrote:

> Been working on developing my Pipethink, but this scenario has me
> stumbling.
> Taking "CP QUERY PATHS 0-FFFF" and filtering so that only those with
> potential problems (those who are NOT:  "status ONLINE"  AND  "show a '+'
> for every CHPID") get output to console.
> The more I poke at this, the more complex it gets.
> "CP QUERY PATHS" , according to the HELP file:
> - Each output has from 5 up to and including 12 records/lines total.
> - Each of the potential lines is a known template, and the first four are
> always present and always the first four.
> - The only record I don't really care about is the "Legend", which is
> always the last record in each output.
> - In the first record of each output, the "Status xxxx" could have 1 of 8
> conditions for "xxxx".
> - Records/lines 3-11 (inclusive) could contain either a "+" or "-" for
> each CHPID (up to 8 total).
> If I'm just starting out by 'PIPE CP QUERY PATHS 0-FFFF', then I get a
> QUERY PATHS output for each device successively.
> The first problem is:
> How can I keep these successive outputs in order, but still work with each
> output as a group when the number of records in the individual outputs is
> variable?
> My first thought is to use JOIN so I can then filter the groups of records
> based on criteria.  But I only know with certainty the first and last
> records of each output group, the number of records is variable in each
> group, and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to otherwise distinguish
> one group from the next.
> If the JOIN stage could accept a from-label and a to-label that would
> solve the issue, so a user-made stage could be one solution.  But I feel
> like there's got to be a better solution using just the built-in stages...
> I've found an imperfect solution by reducing the outputs to just their
> first 4 lines using an ALL stage and then a "JOIN 3".
> I know BETWEEN/INSIDE would be better, but no idea how I'd JOIN in that
> case...  I'm really trying to avoid a "JOIN *".
> Any thoughts?
> --Shawn S.


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