It's REXX code using PIPEs / CALLPIPEs.

IADEDIRB is a CMS userid, and a Filename in this instance.
The socket message shouldn't have been included here, it's just residual 
console activity from a previous minute.

The server received a request to promote a file, and as far as I can tell this 
was the last activity:

   '| > IADEDIRB FLEXCNTL . '                      

And the above callpipe resulted in:

DMSABE141T Data exception occurred at 8114620A in routine PIPE

I searched around the area of 114620A, though the server has been IPLed since 
the above.
If the storage is the same now as it was before:

R011456D0  E0440700 41F0C904 47F0C924 C4D4E2C6    *.....0I..0I.DMSF*
R011456E0  D9D9C2E4 40404040 40404040 00000000    *RRBU        ....*
R011456F0  00000000 00000004 08020000 1805181F    *................*
R01145700  41110001 58F00334 05EF5870 D1289110    *.....0......J.j.*
R01145710  706447E0 C96858F0 606C05EF 47F0C968    *....I..0-%...0I.*
R01145720  5820D050 D5032000 60104770 C9685830    *...&N...-...I...*
R01145730  D1289140 30644770 C968D203 20006020    *J.j ....I.K...-.*
R01145740  5870D128 9501721C 477096B9 58F06070    *..J.n.....o..0-.*
R01145750  05EF47F0 96B95870 D04CBF4F 70004780    *...0o....<.|....*
R01145760  C9944150 00041945 4770C9F8 58E0D128    *Im.&......I8..J.*
R01145770  BF7FE040 4780C9E2 18474150 00045E50    *.". ..IS...&..;&*
R01145780  E0440700 41F0C9B4 47F0C9D4 C4D4E2C6    *.....0I..0IMDMSF*
R01145790  D9D9C2E4 40404040 40404040 00000000    *RRBU        ....*
R011457A0  00000000 00000004 08020000 1805181F    *................*

DMSFRR storage handling?
No other eye-catchers after the above.

-----Original Message-----
From: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU> On Behalf 
Of John P. Hartmann
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: Debugging a data exception

I wish I had a penny for each time PIPE gets blamed for programs called from it 
falling over.

Are those messages from your REXX code, or what?  Looks like some kind of trace 
to me.

If not of your doing, I'd find out what the component code IAD is and look for 
a call to it.

You might also look into what is at 114620A in your machine; CMS nucleus I 
suspect, but again, check.

Since CMS still says PIPE is running, the call (if it is one) was made by BALR 
rather than CMSCALL.

Did you try a web search?  PARSEM goes to a matlab site.

SetSocketStatus goes to a (for me) defunct z/OS 2.3 page.  But I would check 

Good hunting.

On 12/6/22 22:28, DeWayne Thomas wrote:
> Greetings,
>      We just received the following in a REXX PIPE stage:
> 20:04:01.329108 PARSCALL SocketSetStatus rc=0 PARSEM Connected Free 
> 1099 Used 1
> exception occurred at 8114620A in routine PIPE CMS
> Any helpful hints on how we even begin to debug this?
> Thanks,
> DeWayne

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