On Tue, 14 Mar 2023 08:07:15 +0100, Rob wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Mar 2023 at 00:44, Donald Russell <russell....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> —>   ... | deblock linend 0a | split 0d | ...
>> Could that cause extra lines?
>Yes, it does. 

I didn't find a case where SPLIT created any extra null records.  It will
*lose* null lines if there's no 0x0a between them, so it has *both* of
the problems I want to avoid in that case.

(Something else that came to mind before SPLIT *did* add null records
when both characters were present, but I forget what it was.  I was
thinking it was some other option of DEBLOCK, but I'm not seeing one that
doesn't take a byte stream as input.)


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