I have CMU Commpn Lisp 19D.  I just downloaded and installed
SERIES-2-2-9 using ASDF.  From the lisp prompt I can do

    (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :series)

followed by


and things work perfectly -- I've been running examples from AI Memo
1082 as well as my own with no difficulties so far.

My problem is, I can't compile a source file which uses the SERIES
package.  I have a simple source file with a couple of definitions in
it, and I want to translate the loops into series functions.  First I
tried placing the two lines above (the calls to asdf:operate and
series::install) at the top of the file and file-compiling it; no

    ; Python version 1.1, VM version Intel x86 on 22 SEP 08 09:53:37 pm.
    ; Compiling: /home/bill/projects/projectEuler/problem013/foo2.lisp
22 SEP 08 09:53:26 pm


    ; Error: Read error at 211:
    ;  "(series::install/\)"
    ; Reader error at 213 on #<Stream for file
    ; package "SERIES" not found
    ; Byte Compiling Top-Level Form:

    ; Error: Read error at 384:
    ;  "(let ((sum (series::collect-sum/\ 'integer (series::scan-file
    ; Reader error at 433 on #<Stream for file
    ; package "SERIES" not found

    ; Compilation unit finished.
    ;   2 errors

Then I tried the following eval-when at the top

    (eval-when (:compile-top-level :load-top-level)
      (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :series)

with the following error messages:

    ; Python version 1.1, VM version Intel x86 on 22 SEP 08 09:45:34 pm.
    ; Compiling: /home/bill/projects/projectEuler/problem013/foo2.lisp
22 SEP 08 09:45:06 pm


    ; Error: Read error at 263:
    ;  "(series::install/\))"
    ; Reader error at 266 on #<Stream for file
    ; package "SERIES" not found
    ; ;

    ; Error: Read error at 414:
    ;  "(let ((sum (series::collect-sum/\ 'integer (series::scan-file
    ; Reader error at 463 on #<Stream for file
    ; package "SERIES" not found

    ; Compilation unit finished.
    ;   2 errors

What do I need to do to compile a source file that uses SERIES?

Thanks you,

 -- Bill Wood

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