>>>>> "dvl" == Didier Verna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    dvl>        Hi again,

    dvl> Section "2.23.2 Slot Type Checking" continues to puzzle me, especially
    dvl> the fact that you have to be within *methods* for the :type slot option
    dvl> to be taken in consideration when writing something to a slot. For
    dvl> instance, with:

    dvl> (defclass foo ()
    dvl>   ((a :type fixnum)))

    dvl> (defvar *object* (make-instance 'foo))
    dvl> (setf (slot-value *object* 'a) 3.5)    ;; this works like a charm

I think I have this fixed now:

(defclass foo ()
  ((a :type fixnum)))

(defclass bar ()
  ((a :type fixnum :initform 0)))

(make-instance 'foo) -> signals error because a isn't initialized with
a fixnum

(defvar *object* (make-instance 'bar))

(setf (slot-value *object* 'a) 3.5) -> signals error

I will need to run some tests and stuff, but if all goes well, it will
be included soon (but probably not in time for the Dec snapshot).


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