Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 13:00:53 -0400
   From: Raymond Toy <>

   GP lisper wrote:
   >    On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 08:06, GP lisper <> wrote:
   >    >
   >    > After applying Rays fix for Flexi-Streams, I tried out Drakma-1.0.0
   (I don't recall fixing flexi-streams.)

I have a long memory, or maybe a leafnode.

From: Raymond Toy <>
Subject: Re: Error loading flexi-streams on CMUCL + Debian
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 17:43:06 -0400

   > CMUCL has it's own Gray Streams included in the 'extras bundle.  There
   > are three, 
   > gray-compat-library.x86f
   > gray-streams-library.x86f
   > simple-streams-library.x86f  <-how does this work with the other two 
   You can ignore simple-streams unless you want to use simple-streams. 
   Simple-streams are separate from Gray streams.  Gray-compat is some kind
   of compatibility between Gray streams and simple-streams.

Well, I guess I don't understand the difference between whatever is in
the standard cmucl lisp image and simple-streams then, or even why
these streams are separate libraries.

   If drakma doesn't already to this, you may want to (require
   :gray-streams) before compiling/loading drakma.

A component, probably flexi-streams loads trivial-gray-streams even in
the presence of cmucl gray-streams-library.x86f.  Apparently flexi is
ignoring *features*, I didn't have time to track down and fix this
yet.  I think there is something I can do in the .asd file.

   Or maybe trivial-gray-streams will do that for you.

The mentioned errors occur then.

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