I think that "Tops in Quality" made the original.  They are still in
business, and I bet they still have the figures/specs.

Even if they don't have the original specs figures, they have a pretty
good measurement form to make a custom one.

I had them make a rear pulpit for an older boat I had (it never had one
before), and it came out perfectly and fit correctly.

They shipped it by truck.

-Keith Morgenstern

-----Original Message-----
From: Indigo [mailto:ind...@thethomsons.us] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 15:11
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List Pulpit wanted for 35mk III

Long story but two nights ago a boat in Dering Harbor broke loose and
smashed into my pulpit. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement ?
Does South Shore (is that the correct name) have them?

I am sure that others have been through this before. Is there any chance
of structural hull damage from such an accident? None is visible from
the outside

The collision also caused some deep ish scratches through the already
old awl grip. Any thoughts in what I could reasonably ask the insurance
co (his or Shelter Island Yacht Club) to pay for (a new awl grip job
would be wonderful but I think unlikely!)

indigo 35mk III enroute home to Southport

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