Morse code:

The one merchant marine class I came close to failing. Fortunately I have not 
needed to use it in an emergency.

How many license programs still require a demonstration of competence?  I do 
believe long distance voyaging vessels should have Morse Code capability for 
emergencies but a reference guide or book (paper not electronic) would suffice. 
 Be sure potential assistance crews also know how to communicate in Morse Code 
or it would be like shouting in Klingon.

1970 C&C 43

From: CnC-List [] on behalf of Indigo 
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Captain's License

It is a real shame that the British Yachtmaster program / certificate is not 
more widely offered / accepted here. While I am not familiar with the current 
curricular, it used to comprise a rigorous class room component with test ( 
including morse code!!) , documented practical experience, and  a practical 
examination ( several days at sea with an examiner) I did once enquire about an 
offering of the course in Newport RI but it had been cancelled

Indigo - 35mk III

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