Anytime a product warns about etching glass, I think hydroflouric acid.  VERY 
nasty stuff.  Even diluted it can cause painful skin irritation.  Read the 
labels carefully.  Try to find an MSDS for it.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

>To: CnC <> 
>Sent: Monday, February 4, 2013 4:59 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List Winter Projects - What's that smell
>In the future you might try the cleaning product, "Awesome" which can be 
>purchase at the dollar store or dollar tree, one or both I'm not sure.
>My wife swears by this stuff. Most recently I had the back of a Nikon N90 
>which had a rubberized coating that became very sticky to touch.
>I attempted to remove the coating rubbing with rag soaked in acetone with no 
>success. Moving ahead several years I mentioned
>the situation to my bride who took the camera back and disappeared for 10 
>minutes only to return with the coating gone.
>She cleans everything with the stuff. The only restriction  is, do not clean 
>glass, it will etch glass. Will it work on Otter crap
>better than Simple Green we don't know but it might. There is that west coast 
>air to considered.
>Ray Shibe
>"Stinky Dog"
>1984 C&C 41 
>This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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