I have tried the 25 hr old at a scotch tasting. It was wonderful.

Macallan 12 yr old is overpriced but OK. It's sherry cask aged so you have
to like that taste.

Macallan uses the old casks to make some of the varieties of Famous Grouse.
 Famous Grouse is a very reasonably priced yet drinkable blended.

If you want something single malt, peaty, and sherry cask aged that is
cheap, try Tomatin. It's $22 a bottle in my area.

Scotch is no different than wine or cigars or vodka. There is no shortage
of snobs and reviewers who want to tell you what you like. Taste all you
can and enjoy what you like that doesn't break the bank.

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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