
I’ve being going to the Island since 2000. For a while from Montreal and for a 
while from Whitby and now from Long Sault.  Back in the day (before echarts) we 
used Richardson’s and Ports.  From Whitby it’s4 a short hop to Cobourg after 
that there is no stopping until Presqu’ile Bay.  If you go outside it’s an over 
nighter.  The only concern is when you get close to Prince Edward county and 
Main Duck.  After Main Duck your choices are endless.  As far as anchorages 
just look around.  If other boats are anchored it probably means it safe to 
anchor.  Some of my favourites Navy Islands in the channel, Lindsay, Camelot, 
Endemion (sp.) Huckleberry and Thwartway (NE corner small bay back in and tie 
to island NO trees though).  If you are really concerned anchor around the 
island around Gan.  If you get nervous in the night you can always run to the 
day docks.  Also Gan marina has free wifi.

I’ll be around there from this Sat to the 16th Aug.  Give me a shout on ch 16 
and maybe we can meet up.

S/V Persuasion
C&C 37 Keel/CB
Long Sault

From: Stevan Plavsa 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 9:10 AM
Subject: Stus-List Toronto to the Thousand Islands

Hi All, 

This will be my first real cruise and I was hoping for some pointers from other 
Lake Ontario sailors. I'm looking for tips on places to anchor along the way 
and clubs to stay at, places to avoid, things to be aware of. We've only done 
overnights at other clubs thus far. We do have the ports cruising guide.

A friend just loaned me a set of paper charts that will cover the entire cruise 
for which I'm very grateful (lots of charts! $$$) but they are out of date, not 
sure how much of a big deal that is, he didn't seem to think it was a big deal 
at all. 

We have two anchors, a big CQR and a smaller delta, 50 feet of chain and 
another 150 of rode. Haven't ever spent a night on the hook either so any 
gotchas on that topic would be handy as well. I have a few books that I've 
studied so I understand these things in principle .. no better way to learn 
than by doing so we're going for it. August 10 to 26 is the time we have booked 
off which means that we're starting this thing during the Perseid Meteor shower 
.. I really want to do on an overnight passage with my girlfriend, say from 
Toronto to Cobourg or something like that so that we can enjoy the meteor 
shower out on the lake. I'm a sucker for that annual meteor shower and haven't 
gotten to enjoy it in years. I know enough to avoid the shipping lanes other 
than that an overnight on the lake seems pretty straightforward.

Any thoughts and recommendations are much welcome.

Suhana, C&C 32

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This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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