

It seems that what you are3 wanting is pretty much what is on the DIY pages
of the photo album.


Personally, I value the personal comments and experiences on the list, even
if they are only tangentially related to C&Cs. There are folks on the list
that I first "met" a couple of versions of the list - pushing 20 years -
ago, and folks on the list who don't even own a C&C anymore. The list is a


And as far as a CLOSED Facebook page goes, I have a friend with a new to her
29-2. She discovered the Photo Album and the list on her own. If the C&C 29
Facebook page is invitation only, how would she even find it, let alone get
an invitation to join. 


The Phot Album and this list are one of the strongest reasons I can think of
for buying an older C&C in preference to another brand.


Rick Brass


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Bob
Hickson via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 8:43 PM
Subject: Stus-List List or forum


The vast majority of the items on the list are personal comments that are
only indirectly C&C related.

A searchable forum would be far more useful in terms of sharing useful


If some members want a Facebook type "list" why not form a CLOSED C&C
Facebook group (this is type of Facebook is open only by invitation).

The C&C 29 Association has a closed Facebook group (this is the only reason
that I have a Facebook account)



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