
I have a Martec Elliptical prop 16" by 14".  I have been pretty happy with
it.  I cruise at 2850 rpm and make about 6.5 kts.  I ran it that way for
13.5 hours yesterday with no issues.   Not much wind on the Chesapeake in
July...  The prop pushes the boat just fine.  No cavitation.  My prop is
well over ten years old and probably due for a rebuild, but it doesn't make
much noise.  

Reverse performance isn't great, but adding a good amount of throttle
(initially) gets the job done.  I've never had problems stopping the boat in
the slip, although I usually back in.  


Jake Brodersen
"Midnight Mistress"
C&C 35 Mk-III
Hampton VA

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Nauset
Beach via CnC-List
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 10:31 AM
Cc: Nauset Beach
Subject: Stus-List Best Engine>Yanmar 3GM + Prop?

John, Mike and any others with a Yanmar 3GM30F

What is the make, diameter and pitch of your props, and can you get to the
one hour rated RPM of 3600?  

Back in 2010 I had an engine overheat alarm and discovered the coolant
overflow tank was full and had an amount of oily substance mixed in.  There
was very little coolant left in the engine.  The mechanic discovered a blown
head gasket was the cause.  The head was sent to a shop to be "rebuilt" and
a few other parts replaced. 

Last month [just after Edd's engine woes came to light] I had another
overheat alarm, and again discovered the coolant tank full and the same oil
mix.  Am assuming the head gasket is blown - again.  The mechanic has not
looked at it yet.  Obviously, something is "wrong."  

The July edition of Cruising World had a timely article about props and
stated an over pitched prop puts additional wear on the engine and can lead
to cavitation.  Nothing new there but started a possible theory.  I have not
had dark exhaust so did not think the prop was over-pitched, but there is
some pitting on the prop blades so maybe there is cavitation and an over
loaded engine.  Also have excessive vibration so the clues seem to be going
in that direction.  I rarely take the engine up to 3000 RPM though did have
a several hour delivery at 3200 this spring.  Have never tried but do not
think I could get up to 3600.  [Have read the Yanmar tach's are not all that
accurate and have not had the RPM's verified independently.]  Still this
seems to be another indicator the prop may be over pitched.  

I originally had a Martec folding 16 D x 14 P prop though after the lack of
much reverse led to a "near miss" incident I replaced it in 2002 with a
Flex-O-Fold with a 16 D x 13 P at the recommendation of Flex o Fold.  The
reduction is 2.61.  Am thinking the increased surface area Flex prop is
overloading the engine even though the pitch was decreased by 1" compared to
the Martec.     

Anyone have any thoughts?  



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