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    I thought I had gotten a tri colar. But I just don't remember. The colors 
are bright when turned on. I wish I could remember what I had. 
    Doug MountjoysvPegasusLF38 just west of Ballard, WA.    

------ Original message------From: Alex Giannelia via CnC-List Date: Thu, Aug 
20, 2015 11:40To: jonbooc...@gmail.com;Cc: Alex 
Giannelia;cnc-list@cnc-list.com;Subject:Stus-List LED's for TRILIGHT?
So, if I understood correctly, You actually found a tri-light LED bulb 
somewhere but it was too noisy for your VHF radio, correct? I searched one LED 
supplier on line and he says he has no tri-colour bulb and that his white bulb 
won’t transmit through the green lens properly The search continues. Alexander 
M. GianneliaPresident the airborne sensing corporation555 Richmond Street West, 
Suite 912, PO Box 1008, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1, Canada Phone    (416) 
203-9858Mobile    (416) 529-0070Fax          (416) 203-9843 *Notre site web est 
aussi disponible en français! www.airsensing.com 


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