Hi Scott,

We went back to wire & rope halyards for better reliability in the stoppers (rope clutch). Even increasing the diameter at the stopper interface improved but did not eliminate the occasional fail. Modern cordage is wonderful but not necessary from a competitive advantage unless you are consistently missing first place by a few seconds. Crew improvement just with tacking can be minutes gained, yada yada.

        Cheers, Russ
        Sweet 35 mk-1

At 12:08 PM 19/09/2015, you wrote:
This fall one of my projects will be to replace worn out sheaves at the base of the mast , Pull the upper pulley at the masthead and machine in a bronze bushing. It still has wire to rope halyard and am either going to replace with a new one or change out to all rope. My question is what size has anyone used on a c&c 30 mki (1972). I know all rope is the go to choice nowadays but I like the feel of the larger diameter rope end of the wire to rope. Thanks in advance for any insight or experience , Scott

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