I would at least measure the luff length. If they made a mistake (and they do happen), you want to catch it early and have them redo the sail (one would only hope that the mistake was on their part, not yours). If the luff is too long, the sail is useless and you want to know that part asap. The rest will show up on the rigging day. Or the first sailing day. Or even later.
good luck Marek From: Danny Haughey via CnC-List Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2016 12:24 To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: Danny Haughey Subject: Re: Stus-List Sail loft service They sent me a form with diagrams of what they wanted and tips on how to get them. They also had me take as high a definition photo from the side of the boat, fully rigged and used that, scaled it and double checked all of my measurments to the scaled photo. Scaling a photo can be surprisingly accurate. I do this to study existing spaces all the time and there are plenty of software that allow you to calibrate the photo and take measurements. Of course, the real test will not come for a couple of months. I did feel there was some room for interpolation as, I don't race. I'm not overly fussy when it comes to sail shape. If she isn't luffing and the tell tales seem to be doing what they should, I'm happy as long as the boat is moving along. I am a bit concerned about spreader patches, they just send stick on patches. ---------- Original Message ---------- From: Josh Muckley via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> To: "C&C List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Stus-List Sail loft service Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:48:07 -0500 Danny, I am curious as to the measurement process. What did you measure and how did you know how/what to measure. While watching my loft take measurements for the headsail, I was shocked at the different measurements he took. Each spreader, radar, babystay. Those are just a few which I would have trouble describing let alone understanding the measurement desired. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD
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