Thanks to the help from other owners, I had the correct information to
properly torque the keel bolts.  I ended up having my boatyard do the work
which was probably a good thing as it was a lot of work to remove the nuts
and took more tools than I could borrow.  They ended up removing all nuts
and washers.


Corrosion was present on the nuts and washers.  The boatyard asked me if I'd
like the bolts inspected by someone they'll bring in.  I've asked what is
done but think the do some kind of non-destructive testing such as metal
particle.  This test is not inexpensive.  


Here's a link to some photos:!AhpB-lul9d5YpQkMDs5DeOkS73p2.  They show the nuts and
washers.  Also shown is a void near the forward bolt which wept water. There
were are some rust stains visible on the keel.  The aft most bolt 'wiggles'
and I can see a very small crack on the aft-starboard side of the keel.
There is also a 'blister' on the starboard side of the keel.  No water leaks
in from the keel or out when on the hard.  Other than the minor crack, there
is no C&C smile.  

I don't want to be paranoid but also don't want to do a barrel roll under
full sail.  Maybe other owners have some thoughts on this topic.




Ron Ricci

S/V Patriot

C&C 37+

Bristol, RI






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