Previously, you said Garmin suggested that the radio might be the problem. Until you remove it from the circuit and observe that the display still locks up without it being present, then you do not know if they are correct or not. Conjecture and assumptions will likely not fix the problem. :-)

Bill Bina

On 5/23/2017 9:01 AM, John McKay via CnC-List wrote:
I believe my network is set up properly. I have given Garmin a schematic of everything on it and they have not suggested changes.

I failed to say in my original question that I have a GMI 20 display right next (T's attached to each other) to the GNX 20 display and the GMI 20 works flawlessly. I have switched the two drop cables between the T's. Garmin cannot explain why the GNX 20 fails and the GMI 20 continues flawlessly.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions so far.


On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 8:29 AM, Frederick G Street via CnC-List <> wrote:

Is your N2K network properly terminated?  Another thing to check.

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI


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