
My wife & I will attend and will by car, too far North to sail our old boat
in the late fall.

Kindly recommend a couple of decent B&B's in the nearby area so that I can
go ahead and make the reservations.

Thank you

Best regards,
Jack and Beth Fitzgerald
Savannah, GA USA

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On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Here are some events happening in Annapolis during the month of October of
> anyone is interested.
> head+&aqs=chrome.1.0l2j5j69i57.6926j0j7&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#
> fpstate=tlexp&htiq=Annapolis%20October%20events
> On Feb 19, 2018 8:58 PM, "Josh Muckley" <> wrote:
>> Ok, dates for the 2018 Mid-Atlantic C&C Rendezvous are all set.  The
>> weekend of October 26,27,28.  Carmel and I will be available for multiple
>> days on either side of the weekend and will be doing some Bay sailing in
>> local areas - generally just hanging out if anyone wants to arrive early or
>> stay late.  We have 20 responses who are attending and 10 coming by boat.
>> There is roughly a 50/50 mix of those staying on moorings vs slips.  I can
>> say that having been to Edd Schillay's NE Rendezvous it is great to tour
>> everyone else's boats so I would encourage all the boaters to plan at least
>> one day to get a slip and then stay on a mooring for any other nights if
>> desired.
>> The Annapolis Harbor Master needs all registrations in by March 31 in
>> order to coordinate getting all the boats together.  You can negotiate your
>> arrival and departure dates, power and water requirements, or mooring ball
>> arrangements directly with the Harbor Master - Beth.  Let her know that you
>> are attending the 2018 Mid-Atlantic C&C Rendezvous.  They have a liberal
>> and comprehensive cancelation policy posted on the registration form so
>> register now even if there is a chance that you may cancel.
>> As for our land based visitors the waterfront Marriott has an absolutely
>> perfect location, however when I priced rooms they were exorbitant.  Y'all
>> might have different luck when/if you call.
>> Instead of the Marriott, an alternative might be the Historic Inns of
>> Annapolis.
>> Both hotels are centrally located and well within walking distance to the
>> docking location.
>> I have been approached regarding a possible sailing race which might
>> include a half-hull model of the winner's boat as a prize!  I need
>> volunteers to help arrange any of these add-ons.  I can act as a central
>> coordinator but I can't manage it all.  Some other ideas might be a Naval
>> Academy tour, group dinner, escape room dinner, shopping trip, swag bags,
>> demonstrations, day sail to another port, etc.  If you come up with an idea
>> and want to organize it then go ahead.  Uber and Lift are available and
>> Carmel and I will probably arrange for one of our cars to be available for
>> anyone who needs.
>> Warm regards,
>> Josh and Carmeletta Muckley
>> S/V Sea Hawk
>> 1989 C&C 37+
>> Solomons, MD
>> On Dec 10, 2017 4:04 AM, "Josh Muckley" <> wrote:
>>> Ok guys (and gals),
>>> The dates for the Annapolis Sailboat show have been released as well as
>>> my work/vacation schedule for 2018.  You might remember that I had mapped
>>> the distances which people were willing to drive and boat.  The resulting
>>> area which attracted the most people was more or less a zone on the western
>>> shore of the Chesapeake Bay between Annapolis and Solomons.
>>> The dates which I'm looking at are October 1st through the 8th (this
>>> encompasses the sailboat show which is the 4th through the 8th) and October
>>> 26th to the 1st.  If held during the later dates we can easily hold the
>>> rendezvous in Annapolis since dockage and mooring won't be a problem.  If
>>> held during the earlier dates (during the boat show) we could hold the
>>> rendezvous at nearby towns within a 30 minute drive of the boat show.  I'm
>>> personally leaning towards the later dates since Annapolis is such a great
>>> town to visit and has such good boating amenities; It would be nice if
>>> everyone had a chance to see it without the craziness of the boat show.  If
>>> during the boat show is the preference then I was thinking that maybe
>>> Herrington Harbor North or somewhere in Deal, MD would be nice.  For those
>>> who want to attend the boat show Deal is only a 30 minute drive.  I'm sure
>>> there are marinas elsewhere closer to Annapolis yet away from the crowds
>>> that I'm not aware of.  I'm happy to hear everyones thoughts and
>>> suggestions.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh Muckley
>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>> Solomons, MD
>>> On Sep 15, 2017 11:17 PM, "Josh Muckley" <> wrote:
>>>> Ok guys here's a compilation of all the survey responses.
>>>> Drive radius map
>>>> <>
>>>>  -
>>>> As long as we keep it in the Chesapeake Bay between Annapolis and the
>>>> Potomac river we can pretty well assure all 27 respondents can attend
>>>> either by car or boat.  27!!!!
>>>> Boat Radius Map
>>>> <>
>>>>  -
>>>> It looks like any Chesapeake bay location between Annapolis and Solomons
>>>> will maximize the available attendees by boat.  Somewhere close to 13 
>>>> boats!
>>>> Here are some formatted screen shots
>>>> map screen shots
>>>> <> with
>>>> proposed range limits
>>>> I'll put together a list of locations, your suggestions will be
>>>> included.  It still sounds like the 2018 Annapolis Fall boat show is
>>>> capturing the most attention.  The problem is that dockage and moorings are
>>>> limited during an event of that magnitude.  I'm open to your thoughts and
>>>> solutions.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Josh Muckley
>>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>>> Solomons, MD
>>>> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Josh Muckley <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ok guys I got 23 responses for the survey.  It looks like most of the
>>>>> people who are going to respond already have.  I figure I'll give one last
>>>>> day for any stragglers to get the word and take the survey.
>>>>> *Here's my push* - If anyone else is interested in attending a 2018
>>>>> Mid-Atlantic C&C rendezvous, please complete the survey at the link below.
>>>>> Your response is being used to evaluate the level of interest and the best
>>>>> compromise of location.
>>>>> So far I'm getting a lot of interest in Annapolis and Solomons and
>>>>> some interest in doing it in conjunction with the sailboat show.
>>>>> Thanks everybody,
>>>>> Josh Muckley
>>>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>>>> Solomons, MD
>>>>> On Sep 13, 2017 11:57 AM, "Josh Muckley via CnC-List" <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Having just completed the 6 hour drive home from the 2017 Northeast
>>>>> C&C Rendezvous in Greenport, NY, I'm pumped about the possibility of
>>>>> meeting and greeting other C&C owners next year.  Edd is already taking
>>>>> about having the 2018 Northeast C&C Rendezvous in Port Jefferson, NY.  I
>>>>> strongly urge everyone to consider attending!  It was great to finally put
>>>>> faces to names/email addressed.  It was cool to see each other's boats and
>>>>> the innovative things each of us have done.  We would have loved to have
>>>>> met more people and seen more boats.  We would have loved to have brought
>>>>> Sea Hawk but the 6 hour drive would have been more like a 6 day sail and
>>>>> then 6 days back again!
>>>>> In that same spirit I'm considering organizing a 2018 Mid-Atlantic C&C
>>>>> Rendezvous.  As the organizer I want to reinforce that this isn't MY
>>>>> rendezvous, it is OUR rendezvous.  I want as many people to come together
>>>>> by boat, car, plane, or train to share the experience.  Owners past,
>>>>> present, and future are all welcome.  I could probably use help in many
>>>>> ways and would be happy to take input, feedback and suggestions.  In its
>>>>> incipient stage I'm trying to narrow down level of interest and a location
>>>>> that will attract the most people.  After that we can narrow down a
>>>>> date/time.  And then after that we can iron out to the finer points.  To
>>>>> start with here is a survey.  I'll take the survey results and develop a
>>>>> location.  If you are at all interested in attending a 2018 Mid-Atlantic
>>>>> C&C Rendezvous please take a moment to answer these few questions.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Josh Muckley
>>>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>>>> Solomons,MD
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If
>>>>> you wish to make a contribution to offset our costs, please go to:
>>>>> All Contributions are greatly appreciated!
>>>> --
>>>> When security matters.
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