Dave, I like that idea using the access hatch! I have one in nearly the identical spot in my boat. It is currently where I run my solar cables but I am changing up the solar a bit, and would rather drill a couple small holes for the cables than a large hole for the speaker. The whole reason the cables went through the hatch is because I couldn’t bring myself to drill a hole in the deck.
Thanks, Cam Sent from my iPhone On Mar 28, 2021, at 1:41 PM, Dave S <syerd...@gmail.com> wrote: Cam - I could not really find a satisfactory solution to a remote mic in my cockpit, so I wired a remote speaker into my icom m506 vhf as follows: http://cncwindstar.blogspot.com/2017/05/cockpit-vhf-speaker-without-butchery.html?m=1 If I need to communicate I use my handheld or sit in the companionway - my wired mic just reaches. For music - I could never bring myself to install speakers in the cockpit, and today’s compact Bluetooth speakers seem to handle the job just fine. Dave 33-2
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