Hello all,

I was wondering if you folks can give me some advice as to rigging a
whisker pole on our 37/40+.  The boat, which has spent a good part of its
time on the west coast of Florida, was previously named "Dagny" and saw its
share of races.  Yet, the boat does not have a whisker pole ring/car on the
front of the mast, and does not have a whisker pole onboard.  Nor does it
have the equipment for a spinnaker pole, though the boat came with a
symmetrical spinnaker.

I'd like to rig a whisker pole for use with our 150 Genoa and a large
asymmetrical spinnaker.

Funny thing is, at the gooseneck, there is a bolt that holds the two pieces
together that has a ring mounted at the bottom.  I don't think it would get
the perfect angle, but would it be that easy to rig the pole to that ring?
A photo of that bolt/ring can be found here:


The 150 and the asymmetrical will both have the clew behind the mast most
if not all the time I would be using it.  In the case of the big
asymmetrical, I think it might be so far back as to bank up against the
rigging, though obviously I haven't used one on this boat as of yet.

Can anyone provide any insights?

Thank you!!!

Bruce Whitmore
1994 C&C 37/40+ "Astralis"
Madeira Beach, FL
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costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
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