
I use Outlook on my laptop at home and receive some messages with  an HTML 
attachment instead of normal text.

On my IPad I can read everything. Ditto when I log into Webmail on my Earthlink 
account to I check my mail from the office computer.

I recall a few weeks ago testing to find out that when I sent mail as plain 
text format using Outlook folks on the list could read it. But when I sent 
using rich text or HTML, several on the list saw no message but got an 
attachment. Maybe the simplest solution would be for all of us to only use 
plain text?

Rick Brass
Washington, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: Stu via CnC-List [] 
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 8:23 PM
To: C&C Email List <>
Cc: Stu <>
Subject: Stus-List List problems

I have removed the footer with an external link.  There is still a footer - 
just no link.

Instead of trying to identify the email servers, let's identify the mail 
programs being used - both sending and receiving.


using Thunderbird mail.
There are no links in this footer.
There are no links in this footer.

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