Why was the Racor vacuum gauge reading high?   Okay, the answer. Doh!

Not a plugged pickup screen/tube. 
Not a collapsed/delaminated supply hose. 
Not a wonky check valve (kinda). 
The cause? Owner neglect/ignorance/laziness. 

21 years of not checking the bowl for water.  The water separating filter was 
doing its job. Enough water had accumulated so that the ball check valve was 
starting to close. This ball sinks in diesel but floats in water.  It is 
supposed to shut off when the water gets too high. It was doing its job. The 
boat owner wasn’t doing his. 

Removed the Racor.  Emptied the water and completely cleaned the filter.  Gauge 
now reads in the white. 

Added task to spring recommissioning checklist. 

> --
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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