On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Scott Henson <shen...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 15:57:35 -0500, Chuck Short <zul...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please pull from git://github.com/zulcss/debian-cobbler.git. This branch
>> contains:
>> * Disable the checks that are not really valid for Ubuntu or Debian.
>> * tftp-hpa users for both Ubuntu Debian use /var/lib/tftpboot.
>> * Initial commit for the Ubuntu import module.
>> * Initial commit for the Debian import module.
>> If you have any questions please let me know.
> Looks good so far.  I've merged it.

Is this using the new module format I've created, or is it all going
in action_import?  I just pushed my commit to github as well, was
gonna try and take a look at this tonight:

commit d76d2286a4abb039b64ad829ab0bfac71b8c78ce
Author: James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net>
Date:   Tue Dec 21 19:38:34 2010 -0600

    Finished up debian/ubuntu support for imports
    Tweaked redhat/vmware import modules logging output
    Added rsync function to utils to get it out of each module
     - still need to fix the redhat/vmware modules to actually use this
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