Hi Dan,

responses below...

On 13/01/12 21:20, Dan White wrote:
> It asks me to pick the NIC to run from. These servers have 4 built-in
> ethernet ports. I found that a bit surprising as I defined only one
> port (eth0) in the cobbler system. I would hope it would take that
> and run with it. Had I defined more than one, I could understand the
> query.

You need a --ksdevice=eth0 argument to the kernel
add it to your 'kernel-options' for the system record.

Cobbler doesn't actually do the installation, it just creates a
kickstart file, which is processed by anaconda. Anaconda has no idea
which of the 4 devices you have you would like to install through.
This has been an 'interesting' point of discussion for a long time now,
as I recall.

> After that, the kickstart ran as expected, up to and including the
> reboot.
> During reboot, I removed the USB thumb, expecting its job finished. 
> When the machine comes back up, it fails to load the operating
> system. I did not record the exact screen messages, but it indicated
> (to me) a corrupted OS load.
> I found a cause for this, but not a solution:  The contents of the
> USB flash drive had been overwritten during the OS installation
> process !  I have write-protectable USB flash drives from
> RiData/RiTek (product name: Twister), but did not have one handy to
> try.
> The ISO I put onto this USB thumb (at least twice) totally failed to
> load my server as expected.

Does it boot with the usb key in afterwards? (see my bootloader comment

> On a happy note, the same ISO burned onto a CD-ROM and re-attempted
> with a CD drive ran like a champ. I do not have the luxury to do a
> lot of pounding on this, but I will try it once more with a
> write-protectable USB flash drive to see what happens.

This is a kickstart default, not a cobbler problem.
check the rendered kickstart for a line like this:

clearpart --all

This is probably what is doing that.
It may well be installing the bootloader on the usb stick for all I
know. If you know the names of the internal disks then you can put

clearpart --all --drives=sda (for example)

Alternatively anaconda/kickstart has an 'ignoredisk' option you can use
to avoid this.

ignoredisk --onlyuse sda

(or possibly /dev/sda. Can't remember right now)

> At this point, I'd advise folks to waste the CD's than fuss with a
> USB thumb.
> I have an alternate workflow to suggest for this, but I will post it
> separately
> Finally, would you consider this a "bug" ?  If so, I will report it
> that way as well.

No. not in cobbler at any rate.

Stuart Sears RHCA etc.
"It's today!" said Piglet.
"My favourite day," said Pooh.
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