On 05/17/12 21:27, James Cammarata wrote:
> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:25 AM, Jun'ichi Nomura <j-nom...@ce.jp.nec.com> 
> wrote:
>> while using cobbler, I've hit sometimes a strange problem,
>> that cobblerd starts creating files with wrong permissions like:
>>  --w------- 2 root root 11405684 May 16 14:57 initrd.img
>> Basically, regular files become "--w-------" and directories become
>> "d-w---x---".
>> Once happen, it continues to generate files with such permissions
>> until restarting the daemon.
>> Investigating with 'crash' command, I found cobblerd had wrong umask
>> when the problem happened:
>>  crash> ps cobblerd
>>   PID    PPID  CPU       TASK        ST  %MEM     VSZ    RSS  COMM
>>   4693      1   0  ffff810027fbc100  IN   0.7  375980  31688  cobblerd
>>  crash> struct task_struct.fs 0xffff810027fbc100
>>    fs = 0xffff810035f6fb00,
>>  crash> struct fs_struct.umask 0xffff810035f6fb00
>>    umask = 0x177,
>> Normally it has the following umask:
>>  crash> struct fs_struct.umask 0xffff810035f6fb80
>>    umask = 0x12,
>> The wrong umask explains why the generated files/directories have
>> such a strange permissions.
>> I found the following code in api.py and serializer.py are suspicious:
>>        old = os.umask(0x777)
>>        fd = open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime","w")
>>        fd.write("%f" % time.time())
>>        fd.close()
>>        os.umask(old)
>> Firstly, "0x777" seems strange. I guess it should be octal "777".
>> It seems python ignores upper bits and set "0x177" when you do
>> os.umask(0x777).
>> Secondly, if the above code is not serialized each other,
>> it would end up with wrong umask as follows:
>>   Context A            Context B
>>   ------------------------------------------
>>   old = umask(0x777)
>>                        old = umask(0x777)
>>                        [old is 0x777]
>>   umask(old)
>>                        umask(old)
>> Any comments?
> Very interesting, this was reported in issue #117
> (https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/issues/117) though it hadn't gone
> anywhere. I had originally thought cobbler was perhaps chmod'ing files
> but did not look at it potentially changing umask like this. Overall,
> it looks like it's being done wrong consistently through the code:
> cobbler/cobblerd.py:        um = os.umask(int('0027',16))
> cobbler/cobblerd.py:        os.umask(um)
> cobbler/api.py:            old = os.umask(0x777)
> cobbler/api.py:            os.umask(old)
> cobbler/serializer.py:        old = os.umask(0x777)
> cobbler/serializer.py:        os.umask(old)
> scripts/cobblerd:    os.umask(022)
> That first one should probably be int('0027',8) and the last one
> should probably be 0022 (that may be ok as-is).
> Would it be possible for you to fork the code via github and correct
> the above issues and test this? I have been unable to replicate the
> issue locally so if you can reliably reproduce this you'll be better
> able to test this out.

Thank you for the comments.
Unfortunately, I've seen it only a few times in a year...

I wonder whether those functions using umask are called
from threads (or signal handlers).
If they do, it would certainly cause such a problem
in the same way as the following reproducer.


import os
import time
import thread
import sys

origmask = 0002
badmask = 0x777

def loop(file,mask):
        while True:
                old = os.umask(mask)
                if (old != origmask):
                        print "wrong umask %o vs expected %o" % (old,origmask)
                fd = open(file,"w")
                fd.write("%f" % time.time())


thread.start_new_thread(loop, ("test1", badmask))

And I think the solution would be something like the attached patch,
using os.open() with mode parameter to avoid os.umask.

Jun'ichi Nomura, NEC Corporation
diff --git a/cobbler/api.py b/cobbler/api.py
index a5432a5..92a76ff 100644
--- a/cobbler/api.py
+++ b/cobbler/api.py
@@ -181,11 +181,9 @@ class BootAPI:
         API instance, regardless of the serializer type.
         if not os.path.exists("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime"):
-            old = os.umask(0x777)
-            fd = open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime","w")
-            fd.write("0")
-            fd.close()
-            os.umask(old)
+            fd = os.open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime", os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR, 0200)
+            os.write(fd, "0")
+            os.close(fd)
             return 0
         fd = open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime")
         data = fd.read().strip()
diff --git a/cobbler/serializer.py b/cobbler/serializer.py
index 0f67dbe..f78c994 100644
--- a/cobbler/serializer.py
+++ b/cobbler/serializer.py
@@ -64,11 +64,9 @@ def __release_lock(with_changes=False):
         # this file is used to know when the last config change
         # was made -- allowing the API to work more smoothly without
         # a lot of unneccessary reloads.  
-        old = os.umask(0x777)
-        fd = open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime","w")
-        fd.write("%f" % time.time())
-        fd.close()
-        os.umask(old)
+        fd = os.open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime", os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR, 0200)
+        os.write(fd, "%f" % time.time())
+        os.close(fd)
         LOCK_HANDLE = open("/var/lib/cobbler/lock","r")
         fcntl.flock(LOCK_HANDLE.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
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