On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Michael DeHaan <mdeh...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Yesterday Jeff S and I were talking on IRC about making a trigger that
> would be called on any edit command, which could fire off version
> control commands, such as git.
> I think I'm going to do this in settings:
> versioned_config_enable:  0/1
> versioning_config_options:  { "engine" : "git" }
> Initially git will be the only valid choice, though folks can patch the
> "generic edit" trigger I'm going to make to add other types and options,
> if needed.
> The question comes up as to whether we version control just
> "/var/lib/cobbler/config" or we also try to do
> "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts".   However there's really not a good
> interval to do VC
> on kickstarts, but we could do it any time things were edited and/or
> synced, pretty easily.    This would mean we'd need to ship (and
> install) a .gitignore in /var/lib/cobbler just to make sure
> we didn't try to version track any of the bootloaders.
> Once we do this we open up a slew of nice features, including easy
> rollbacks when someone makes a change they shouldn't have made, and RSS
> feeds of changes and such.
> So, any thoughts on how much to track or the above ideas?

oooooh this makes a hole bunch of requirements for wrap-arounds to
this build system go away.. thankyou.

> I'm going to start small, so we could extend this later, I'm sure.
> Though I'd want to start out version controlling the right root dir, and
> I'm not sure if that should be /var/lib/cobbler/config or all of
> /var/lib/cobbler.
> If we do all of /var/lib/cobbler, we'll easily be able to track lots of
> good changes, the only thing to note is that the snapshot times for the
> kickstarts and human edited (not API edited files) may not have
> timestamps that correlate with when they were edited.  I think that's ok.

Well just make it a workflow issue. If a person wants to make sure
that the edit is taken.. add cobbler sync vcs or some similar command.
I mean I pretty much have my hands down to:

make changes
cobbler sync
make change
cobbler sync

just like in the old days of Ultrix or Linux 1.1 kernels where one
needed to type sync in case you were not going to see another disk
access :).

> I don't particularly want to introduce an inotify (a kernel system of
> being able to be notified when things change) process just for that
> action, but ultimately, this /is/ something we could do.

I think that should be far into the future.

Stephen J Smoogen. -- BSD/GNU/Linux
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"
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