Michael, yhank you very much for the prompt answer.

Michael DeHaan writes:

 > > The question: on my computer, is it possible to install cobbler so
 > > that I can perform fully automated network installations on my 50
 > > stations without having access to that dhcp server?

 > By not having access, I'm inferring you can't set the filename and
 > next-server parameters on it.


 > > the workaround is to use "buildiso", which does not provide a
 > > fully automated solution.

 > Depends if you call sticking some media in and picking a single
 > menu option, and going to get a Mountain Dew fully automated or
 > not.
 > The actual install is still fully automated.
 > You can't do "next time this MAC address boots, reinstall this box"
 > because to PXE you need DHCP.
 > So yeah, not fully…

Yes.  What should be a better term?  "Without the hands"?  Using a CD
in turn on 50 computers is not really a convenient solution.  

 > > On the other hand, I read on
 > > http://serverfault.com/questions/53116/howto-setup-cobbler-with-pxe-if-you-cant-change-the-dhcp-server
 > > (which is dated *before* the previous link):
 > >  
 > > "According to the documentation i've read it [...] should be possible
 > > to have an unmodified dhcp server (for example if the admin at your
 > > location denies access) and a separate server that ONLY returns the
 > > boot information.

 > The proxy stuff seems logical (though it's news to me,
 > interesting), but you'd have to make sure the other DHCP server
 > didn't answer, right?

Well, I don't know, like I said my knowledge is poor.  But from the
ingenuous side, it makes sense that both DHCP servers answer: the
"official" one to give the IP address, and the new, private one, to
only provide the boot information.  

Besides, I don't know how to make sure a DHCP server does not answer
("deactivate" in my wording).  From my readings, I had assumed it was
not possible, because if it were, one would simply have to
"deactivate" the official one temporarily, and then set up a new,
temporary, DHCP server, which provides IP information, and filename
and next-server parameters.

Since this is new to you, could it be possible that you missed
something?  Well, I hope so, and I also hope you'll try to sort that
out -- it is definitely beyond my abilities.

Thank you again

EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) | alain.coch...@unistra.fr
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