On Monday, February 6, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Cole Robinson wrote:

> On 02/06/2012 10:58 AM, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> > Cole --
> >  
> > What's the workaround to auto-start Xen PV's? (or is there not a way?)
> >  
> > Seems like we could just implement this however needed (if xenpv… do this
> > instead…), if virtinstall won't do it for us.
> >  
> The autostarting code could just be conditionally enabled if virt-install is
> new enough (just a grep of the help output) so that's not the issue.
> The issue is that current koan code manually passed a kernel + initrd for the
> PV guest to boot. That's the only install scenario for PV guests AFAICT. And
> this is only available via the virt-install in a version newer than what's in
> RHEL5.

That's also how the virt installs work for everything else in koan, including 

(Maybe I'm misunderstanding something?)
> The workaround could be to make PV installs work like qcreate install_location
> installs, which is basically the same as direct kernel/initrd boot but you
> rely on virt-install to pull the kernel/initrd from the install tree.  

Just trying to make sure this wouldn't break anyone.

The install tree location isn't actually required in Cobbler, it's only a 
parameter to the kickstart … Are you saying we'd have to use the install tree 
method *only* for Xen PV?   If so, that might be an acceptable limitation… if 
Xen FV or qemu/KVM requires the tree to find the kernel/initrd that seems bad 
to me, because we deal with a lot of arbitrary distros that express install 
tree locations in different ways.

ks_meta["tree"] gives you this if someone had ran "Cobbler import" previously.

If we can avoid using that when we don't have to, that would be good…  

> Since
> cobbler tracks this info it would probably 'just work' with a tiny patch but
> someone would need to test. And this has been supported on virt-install
> command line since probably rhel5.1

"it" == making autostart work for Xen PV, right?
> Thanks,
> Cole

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