>> Dan and Nishanth,
>> Did you try out the different conditional logic to see if it meets you
>> needs?
> I'm testing it now in my environment, need to run a few more jobs, but
> it seems fine here.

What I was actually thinking of doing to correct this is to not set
the next-server line if netboot-enabled=false. So basically we'd
revert Nishanth's change and then modify the dhcpd template:

        #if $iface.netboot_enabled:
        next-server $next_server;
        #end if

This is already being set in modules/manage_isc.py:

interface["netboot_enabled"] = blended_system["netboot_enabled"]

So it should be a nice easy fix. Regardless, whatever we do I'll get
this pushed out as 2.2.3-2, as I didn't think through the impact this
might have to users that manage dhcpd with cobbler.
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