On Dec 4, 2012, at 6:56 PM, Zack Perry wrote:

> Hi,
>> I am in an environment where I cannot control DHCP, so I have gone 
>> to using Cobbler buildISO's to boot new installs.
> That's a common and widespread misconception, regrettably :-(
> You *never* need to have direct control of a DHCP server to be able 
> to use PXE boot with cobbler.  
> The two DHCP servers that cobbler 2.2.3 (and later versions) work
> with OOTB: ISC DHCP and dnsmasq, both can act either
> as the authoritative DHCP for selected MAC addresses or simply just 
> as proxies. Please check the relevant man page depending on your
> own preference. 

In this environment, DHCP is neither ISC  or dnsmasq, but Microsoft.
Trying to get a DHCP reservation properly set up with the folks that run it has 
been a multi-day process that seldom gets done properly the first time.  A 
dnsmasq proxy would be wonderful, but still requires cooperation.

> cobbler hides some details, but my first hand experience has indicated
> that I still need to know *really* well the tools that it attempts
> to integrate to master cobbler.
> You use image booting only if 
> 0. The OS (e.g. MS Windows) is not amenable for PXE booting via cobbler
>   (yet)
> 1. You need fast start-up, e.g. your environment is like AWS EC2 or 
>   a virtual server hosting provider's such as linode's

1a: PXE is impossible because the Microsoft folks have the network completely 
boogered up.

> .
> There might be some other usages at this moment I can't recall. But 
> PXE booting is clean, and fast enough for most situations.
>> Today, for no reason I can locate, the process stops on a
>> screen saying it cannot load the kickstart file.
>> The given URL is valid and contains a proper,
>> cobbler-generated kickstart.
> Do a cobbler system getks --name=... Can you see the rendered kickstar
> file?

Answering this from home.  I did not try that, but I did use a browser to check 
the URL that it claims is no-good and it comes up just fine.  Also, I can get 
to the kickstart from the Cobbler web interface.  I believe that is equivalent 
to the command line getks, yes ?

>> I checked firewalls, restarted apache, restarted cobblerd,
>> did a "cobbler sync" and still the same roadblock.
> These come later. Please do the above first. Always as the first step,
> often in conjunction with cobbler system dumpvars --name=... |less
> as a helpful companion. 

I will do that.  Thanks for responding.

One last thought: This problem is on HP xw4600 workstation-towers.  At the risk 
of ragging on the MS folks again, they do things like set BIOS passwords and 
set Safe-Boot and such as their idea of "securing" the workstation.  Could any 
BIOS misconfigurations be causing this roadblock ?
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