
I've been going round and round importing Fedora 23 for a bit now. Yesterday I 
finally realized why imports were failing. I performed the following (as root 
on my cobbler box): 
cd distro/iso/ 
mkdir Fedora-23-x86_64 
mount Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-23.iso Fedora-23-x86_64 -t iso9660 -o loop 
cobbler import --name="Fedora-23-Test" 

The import works as expected. I see the distro and profile for Fedora-23-Test 
in the web UI. 

I added a system named fedora-workstation-test... 

Then tried the following with koan: 
koan --server=admincloud --system=fedora-workstation-test --virt 

When looking at the console of the installing VM, it fails and I am greeted 
with this dracut error: 
[ 20.097937] dracut-initqueue[540]: cat: /tmp/dd_disk: No such file or 

I couldn't quite figure out what was going on or why. I've done the above for 
RHEL/CentOS 7.x as well. 

Here is the interesting part (and what I discovered yesterday): I started 
looking closely at the web UI and noticed that for the Fedora 23 import, the 
Kernel Options had this value: repo=$tree 

I do not see that for RHEL/CentOS 7.2 (following similar steps). When I removed 
the repo=$tree , koan installs worked without issue for Fedora. 

I'm enclosing a png that illustrates my point. 

I certainly have a work around (as in remove that kernel option) - but 
definitely found this interesting. I tried Fedora 22 and thought I saw the same 



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