Compiler:  Allison Hilf 
Date:    January 24, 2009 
phone:  303-659-8750 
This is the Colorado  Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, January 24 at 6:30 am 
sponsored by Denver  Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird 
Highlight species  include (*Denotes that there is new information for 
this species in this  report) 
Surf Scoter  (*Pueblo) 
White-winged Scoter  (*Pueblo) 
Long-tailed Duck  (*Pueblo) 
Barrow's Goldeneye  (Adams, *Pueblo) 
Dunlin  (Douglas/Jefferson/Arapahoe) 
MEW GULL  (Boulder,Pueblo) 
Thayer's Gull  (Arapahoe, Pueblo) 
Lesser Black-backed  Gull (*Pueblo) 
GREAT BLACK-BACKED  GULL (Arapahoe, *Pueblo) 
White-winged Dove  (Pueblo) 
American Three-toed  Woodpecker (El-Paso, Larimer) 
Red-bellied  Woodpecker (Prowers) 
Bohemian Waxwing  (Morgan) 
Swamp Sparrow (Bent,  Morgan) 
White-throated  Sparrow (*Mesa) 
Lapland Longspur  (*Pueblo, Logan/Morgan) 
Snow Bunting  (Logan/Morgan) 
Gray-crowned  Rosy-Finch (Boulder) 
Black Rosy-Finch  (Boulder) 
To skip this  recording to leave a message, press the star key at any time. 
Please leave your  name, phone number, detailed directions including the 
county, and dates  for all sightings.  It would be  helpful if you would 
your last  name. 
Adams  County: 
--3 Barrow’s  Goldeneye (1m.; 2fm) were reported by Trinkner at 88th and the 
Platte  River on January 11 (4 Barrow’s Goldeneye reported on Jan  17th) 
Arapahoe  County: 
--An adult  Great Black-backed Gull and 3 first  winter Thayer’s Gulls were 
reported by Kilpatrick at Aurora Reservoir on Jan.  18. 
Bent  County: 
--A female EASTERN  TOWHEE was reported by Van Truan at the Wood Thrush Grove 
at Roads JJ &16,  east of Fort Lyon on January 21. 
--A Swamp Sparrow  was reported by Van Truan on January 21.  The bird was 
seen east of Road 15, north of HH and south of JJ, east of  Fort Lyon. 
Boulder  County: 
--An adult MEW GULL  was reported by Schmoker on the Boulder Bird Club’s 
annual winter outing to the  Valmont Reservoir Complex on January 17. 
--All three species  of Rosy Finches were reported by Schmoker at the 
Fawnbrook Inn in Allenspark on  January 11. 
Douglas/Jefferson/Arapahoe Counties: 
--Kellner reported  that a Dunlin was found at Chatfield on the Denver CBC on 
December 20.  The Dunlin was last reported in Arapahoe  County in the middle 
of the river next to a log  between E-470 and the foot bridge on January 19. 
El Paso  County: 
--An American  Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Elwonger on the Cascade 
Creek trail off of  the Pikes Peak Highway on Jan. 18th. 
Larimer  County: 
--A pair of American  Three-toed Woodpeckers was reported by DeFonso in Rocky 
Mtn. National Park near  Dream Lake on January 17.  This lake  is uphill from 
the Bear Lake parking area. 

Logan/Morgan Counties: 
--A Snow Bunting and  several Lapland Longspurs were reported by Wild on 
Logan County Road 61 on  January 21.  Further on the same  road, but in Morgan 
County, and called County Road GG, Wild reported a large  flock of Lapland 
Longspurs and 1 Snow Bunting – this second spot is  approximately 100 yards 
from where County Road GG meets up with Highway  71. 
Mesa  County: 
--A White throated  Sparrow was reported by Cooper at Corn Lake State Park on 
January 23.  If you enter the park by vehicle, drive  along the north shore 
of the lake until you reach the final parking lot. There,  a (muddy) earthen 
path intersects a paved one at the west edge of the lake. The  sparrow was 
along the dirt path with some juncos.
Morgan  County: 
--A Bohemian Waxwing  was reported by Wild at Jackson Lake State Park in the 
Russian Olives on the  west side of the reservoir on January 21. 
--A Swamp Sparrow  was reported by Wild at the marsh on the south side of the 
road on County Road  AA, west of Jackson Lake State Park on January  21. 
Prowers  County: 
--A male Red-bellied  Woodpecker was reported by Leatherman at the south end 
of the Lamar Community  College woods on January 13. It was also reported by 
Van Truan on January  21. 
Pueblo  County: 
--An adult male  White-winged Scoter was reported by Percival at Pueblo 
Reservoir on Jan. 22 and  Jan. 23. 
--A female Surf  Scoter was reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir on Jan. 
--2 Long-tailed  Ducks were reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir on 
January 22 (4 on Jan.  23). 
--5 Barrow’s  Goldeneye (3 males, 2 females) were reported by Percival at 
Pueblo Reservoir on  January 23. 
--2 Lesser  Black-backed Gulls were reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir 
on January  22 (1 adult on Jan. 23). 
--An adult Great  Black-backed Gull was reported by Percival at Pueblo 
Reservoir on January  22. 
--An adult Mew Gull  was reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir on the 
North Shore Marina Tires on  January 16 and 17. 
--A Thayer’s Gull  (juv.) was reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir on 
January 16. 
--Lapland Longspurs  (30+) were reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir on 
January 22. 
--2 White-winged  Doves were reported by Percival in Beulah on Jan. 17  
The DFO field trip  for Saturday, January 24 is to Castlewood Canyon and 
local feeders and will be  led by Gail Evans (303-758-2231).  Call leader for 
where and when to meet.  May carpool at Parker Regional  Park.  Half day trip, 
good spots  for picnicking. 
The DFO field trip  for Sunday, January 25 is to Cherry Creek State Park and 
will be led by Karen  von Saltza (720-568-4652).  Meet at  0800 at the marina. 
 Bring scopes  and dress for changeable weather.  Half day trip so lunch is 
Thank you and good  birding, 
Allison  Hilf 
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