Highlights from Wyoming Hereford Ranch (Laramie County, Wyo), Crow Valley 
Campground (Weld County, CO) and the trip home to Fort Collins from Crow Valley 
today (5/26/09):

Wyoming Hereford Ranch:
A fair number of birds of good diversity, but nothing partularly unusual

Swainson's Thrush (perhaps 10)
Orchard Oriole (2)
Black-headed Grosbeak (1m)
Indigo Bunting (3)
Lazuli Bunting (1)
Dusky Flycatcher (1)
American Redstart (1 subadult male)
White-crowned Sparrow (1 mountain form)
MacGillivray's Warbler (1m)
Total of 61 species

Crow Valley Campground and Briggsdale:
Orange-crowned Warbler (1 singing male)
Swainson's Thrush (15+)
Black-headed Grosbeak (2)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1m)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1)
Yellow-breasted Chat (1 singing in the southwest corner)
*Alder Flycatcher (1) in the southwestern corner
Least Flycatcher (1)  in the southwestern corner
Red-eyed Vireo (1) in the southwestern corner
Orchard Oriole (at least 3)  mostly near water features
Gull sp.  (1 large species noticed after it had already passed, moving north, 
probably Herring)
Common Nighthawk (1)  FOS
*Magnolia Warbler (1m)  south of main picnic shelter, moving east)
MacGillivray's Warbler (1m)
Total of 41 species (note the ratio of species between locales, both along Crow 
Creek, one with water, the other without)

GR96 (aka "Murphy's Pasture"):
Lots of prairie flowers
Chestnut-collared Longspur (1m)
McCown's Longspur (several)
Brewer's Sparrow (few)

Intersection of CR57 and CR100 (= just west of Norma's Grove (which was very 
unbirdy at 6pm):
Loggerhead Shrike (I think they are nesting in the locust hedge)  photographed 
two different species of grasshoppers freshly impaled on fence
*Red-headed Woodpecker (1a)  on power pole on CR57 just south of CR100, these 
are getting scarce on the northeastern plains near the foothills

Crom Lake:
Red-necked Phalarope (about 10)
White-rumped Sandpiper (1)

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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