Hi cobirders  my feet have healed so I tried birding mostly near the  
car. Eleven AM got to Lower Latham area.
Migration mostly over.
Road 42 pond had a large shorebird disappear behind a peninsula .  A  
Baird's Sandpaper was running under an
American Avocet one of 8. There were also 8 Wilson Phaleropes  plus  
one male. There were 6 Cinnamon Teals
all males.
Highlights on way to Road 48 were a juvenile Prairie Falcon and a  
Swainson's Hawk.

Road 48 low numbers but many species, Highlights;
White Pelican  1 only flying low along the inlet.
Snowy Egret   also in the inlet
Black-necked Stilt on a nest in the grassy area.
Northern Harrier male over the marsh being chased
Great-tailed Grackle 2 males scattered over the area
Killdeer  3 having a conference in the middle of the road.

Crow Valley several new ones for me.
Bullock's Oriole
Common Nighthawk  in a tree branch
Eastern Kingbird only 1
Cedar Waxwings 4
Empid. small but in the shadow sat silently
White-eyed Vireo (reported earlier) I couldn't detect eye or color  
(didn't make my year list)
Swainson Thrush (last of them I guess)
Western Tanager female seen several times
Western Wood Pewee
Did not walk around much- hung out mostly at the faucet they leave  
run to make a puddle.
The Waxwings (all 4), Robins, Starling and Grackles took baths -warm  
Added 7 to my year list  Nice day.
Bob Spencer

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