The Denver Field Ornithologists trip to the Castlewood Canyon area today 
produced 35 species on a cool, cloudy, but calm morning. We had two surprises. 

    A flock of about 200 Sandhill Cranes flew south, east of the Winkler Ranch. 
We don't have many November records here. 

    Then two (we think different) flocks of Pine Siskins, one 75, the other 50 
that whirled around and covered a lot of ground (or rather, air space). The 
flock in the State Park started over the west cliffs, then swirled up and 
around, headed south, and settled into some DouglasFirs; after a few minutes 
there they took to the air again and moved south and east again. The second 
flock flew over our house (3 hours later), headed west. We had one (only) 
siskin at our feeders. 

Urling & Hugh Kingery

Colorado Field Ornithologists:
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