Date:    April 20, 2010
e-Mail:  rba AT
phone:  303-659-8750
compiler:  Allison Hilf

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 8am
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain
Bird Observatory.

Highlight species include (*Denotes that there is new information for this species in this report)

Surf Scoter (Lake)
Barrow's Goldeneye (*El Paso, Fremont, Summit, Weld)
Green Heron (Boulder)
White-winged Dove (Pueblo)
Black Phoebe (Delta,Pueblo)
Eastern Phoebe (Larimer, Pueblo)
Yellow-throated Vireo (*Douglas/Jefferson)
Northern Parula  (Bent, El Paso, *El Paso)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Adams)
Hooded Warbler (El Paso)
Harris’s Sparrow (*Mesa)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
White-winged Crossbill (Lake, Larimer)

To skip this recording to leave a message, press the star key at any
time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions
including the county and dates for all sightings.  It would be helpful
if you would spell your last name.

Adams County:
--A Black-throated Blue Warbler was reported by Latona at EB Rains Jr.
Memorial Park in Northglenn on April 18.  From Northglenn Community
Center at i25 and 120th, enter Rains Park and go right (south) on the
farmers high line trail. From the first bridge you encounter, the bird was 200 yards south (upstream) around 11am.

Bent County:
--A male Northern Parula was reported by Nelson at Tempel Grove on
April 16.  It was also seen and heard by Nelson on April 18.

Boulder County:
--An adult Green Heron was reported by Nunnes at Walden Ponds
Cottonwood Marsh on April 17.

Delta County:
--4 Black Phoebes were reported by Pieplow along the stream at Escalante Canyon on April 17.

Douglas County/Jefferson County:
--A Yellow-throated Vireo was reported by Kellner at Chatfield State
Park on April 17 and was seen by multiple observers as recently as April 19. The bird was on the east side of the creek from the Plum Creek delta parking lot. Walk over the creek on the footbridge SE of the parking lot and then walk down stream to the last stand of tall trees before the lake. The bird has also been seen slightly east of this location and has been loosely associated with a flock of
Yellow-rumped Warblers. Waterproof footwear is suggested.

El Paso County:
--A YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT HERON was reported by Lewantowicz at Hansen Nature Park (southern part of Fountain Creek Regional Park on April 16 and was seen as recently as April 19. From the Hansen Nature Park parking lot, take a small social trail that goes north through the woods. When you reach the marsh, you will notice two fallen down willow trees on your left (and a gigantic willow tree straight ahead on the edge of the trail. If you look west across the water to the opposite bank, the heron was standing in the reeds. --A Northern Parula was reported by Wild in the same location as the Yellow-crowned Night Heron on April 19. It was just SE of the pond, high up in a tree. --A male Hooded Warbler was reported by Percival at Holmes Grove at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area) on April 16 and was found again on April 17.
--A male Northern Parula was reported by Percival at the Casita at
Chico Basin Ranch (fee area) on April 16 and was found again on April 17. --A female Barrow’s Goldeneye was reported by Wild at Big Johnson Reservoir on April 19.

Fremont County:
--A GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was reported by Miller at Tunnel Drive in Canon City on April 16 and was seen again by Percival on April 19. The bird was seen west of the gate with the no parking sign.
--A female Barrow’s Goldeneye was reported by Miller at the Tunnel
Drive Water Reservoir on April 16.

Lake county:
--A TRUMPETER SWAN was reported by Wild at Twin Lakes on April 16 and
by Riffe on April 18.
--A Surf Scoter (female) was reported by Wild at Mt. Elbert Forebay on
April 16 and by Riffe on April 18.
--A male White-winged Crossbill was reported by Wild at Mt. Elbert Forebay on April 16.

Larimer County:
--A pair of White-winged Crossbills  has been observed by Leatherman at
Grandview Cemetery, west end of Mountain Avenue in Fort Collins since
November 22.  The pair had nestlings that were close to fledging but
were not located as of April 14.  The adults were last reported by
Cropper in some big deciduous trees east of the pumphouse corner (the
big trees are near the little cart bridge that runs between the green at #3 and the tee at #4. The sighting lasted about 10 minutes before they flew off. For those still wanting to try locating the crossbill pair, Leatherman suggests the southeast corner, then wander the cemetery checking big spruce with cones. Key in on the "vid-vid- vid." call notes. Please do not walk on the golf course.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Coley at the south side of the
diversion dam on the Big Thompson River (a bit NW of Marker 2) on
April 14.

Mesa County:
--A Harris’s Sparrow was reported by Tischbein at Connected Lakes on April 19, about 50 yards west of the restrooms where the little stream crosses the walk.

Prowers County:
--A  male Northern Cardinal was reported by Newport at the Lamar
Community College Woods on April 17.  The bird frequently hangs around
the parking lot to look at its reflection in car mirrors.

Pueblo County:
--A singing Eastern Phoebe and a Black Phoebe were reported by Percival along the Arkansas River , west of Pueblo Blvd., and west of the footbridge that goes over the river on April 14.
--An Eastern Phoebe and a Black Phoebe were reported by Percival at
Valco Ponds on April 3.  The Black Phoebe was seen again by Percival
on April 11.  The bird was west of Valco Ponds parking lot, near the
building with the chain link fence.
--A singing White-Winged Dove was reported by Percival in Pueblo City
Park, near the concrete path that goes down to the Arkansas River on
April 14.

Summit County:
--3 Barrow’s Goldeneye were reported by Wild at the Blue River Water
Treatment Plant in Silverthorne on April 16.

Weld County:
--2 Barrow’s Goldeneye were reported by Wild at Luna Reservoir on April 16.

The DFO field trip for Saturday, April 24 is to the Rocky Mountain
Arsenal, led by David Rhoades (303-424-8633). Must register with
leader for meeting time and place. ½ day trip limited to 9 people.
David will give directions to Arsenal. He is up-to-date on the changing birding scene out here!

The DFO field trip for Sunday, April 25 is to McCabe Meadows Park
(formerly Parker Regional Park) and is led by Steve Kennedy (303-815-9738
). Meet at 0730 for ½ day trip. From Main Street intersection in Parker, take Highway 83 south for 1.2 miles. Turn right on Indian Pipe Lane to the parking lot on the right. (The park is on the west side of the road) Wear your walking shoes – we’ll go rain or shine. We may look into Triple C Ranch’s marsh and pond. Surprises could be in
store of us!

Good Birding,
Allison Hilf
Denver, CO

Sent from my iPhone

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