Paul Slingsby and I visited various North Park locations Saturday through 
Monday to visit two breeding bird atlas blocks and several RMBO ColonyWatch 
sites. Most large reservoirs (eg Walden Reservoir and the Delaney Butte Lakes) 
remained frozen with limited edge thawing. Ponds on the Arapaho NWR tour route 
were open and 18 Island Reservoir was mostly open. 
A single yellowlegs was on a roadside pond west of Walden on the 17th. The head 
was tucked, so we could not determine species. A single peep was on Walden Res, 
too far out to identify reliably.


Despite a frozen reservoir, American White Pelicans, Double-crested Cormorants, 
and California Gulls were back on the nesting colony on Walden Reservoir. 
Pelicans (about 118) with prominent breeding flags, were thrusting with bills, 
chasing, and making circling flights characteristic of territory establishment 
and courtship. The breeding crests of the cormorants could be seen with a 
scope, and some were incubating. 


Wilson's Snipe were winnowing at various wet meadow locations, including the 
meadows between the town of Walden and the reservoir. A Canada Goose was 
incubating in the wetland west of town and paired geese were present in many 


A pair of Sandhill Cranes was present on both the 17th and 18th along the 
Michigan River north of Walden on the Diamond J SWA.


Red-tailed Hawks were on nests at several locations, and Common Ravens were on 
nests on CR34 and CR33.


Bald and Golden Eagles were on nests.  

Great Blue Herons were back at a heronry on the North Platte (privat ranch).


Sage Thrashers were singing at several locations. At South Delaney Butte Lake, 
one thrasher was fanning his wings while singing from multiple perches 
attracting one countersinging male, and two other thrashers, possibly 
prospective mates. In the same area, both a Tree Swallow pair and Mountain 
Bluebird pair were investigating a next box.


Eared Grebes were present on the Arapaho NWR tour loop (2) and 18 Island Res 
(6). Ducks, including Cinnamon Teal, Bufflehead, Canvasbacks, and Redheads, 
were present on most open water bodies. 


Yellowheaded Blackbirds were also back.

Chuck Hundertmark
2546 Lake Meadow Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone/fax: 303-604-0531
Cell: 720-771-8659


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