An excellent place for woodpeckers, I guess.  Two years ago this week,
I saw a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker within 100 yards of this sighting.
We also had at least two Red-naped here this weekend, and another

But to back up, Deb and I went camping fri and sat for my birthday, on
the jeep road that dead-ends into the South Ben Tyler trailhead, Lost
Creek Wilderness, Pike Nat'l Forest, Park County.

In camp Saturday late morning, we had a Three-toed Woodpecker for
almost a half hour, giving us great looks right from our site.
Certainly the highlight of a somewhat quiet weekend of birding.  We
hung around this morning before packing out, hoping it would revisit
us, but did not see it again.

Also seen were:  Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Brewer's Sparrows, Gray Jays,
Steller's Jays, Say's Phoebes, Mexican Chickadees and Gray-headed

Dave Cameron

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