Hello, Birders.
Despite the light rain, there was a decent nocturnal passage of warblers, 
sparrows, and a few sandpipers over Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County, earlier 
today, Tuesday, August 24th.
The diversity of warbler/sparrow "seep"-type notes was high, with most of the 
birds seeming to be Brewer's Sparrow. I heard only one Chipping Sparrow. I was 
reasonably confident, too, that Yellow and Wilson's warblers were in the mix. 
Thought I heard Orange-crowned and MacGillivray's warblers, too, but the flight 
calls of those two are still a bit of a "work in progress" for me.
And there were some other call notes, in the mix, among them Lark Bunting, 
Western Meadowlark, and Bullock's Oriole.
Shorebirds, too. I heard Solitary and Baird's sandpipers.

And here's the cautious prediction: It will be a good day for grounded migrants 
in the Front Range region, and perhaps beyond. With winds out of the north, 
birds were evidently on the move last night; and with rain settling in at 
sunrise, I imagine a lot of stuff is grounded right now. The night flight was 
decent (although not great; it was a bit more than 1 flight call per minute), 
and it was decently diverse.
Call in sick today!
Ted Floyd
Editor, Birding
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