
There are for sure two different "winter wrens" at Fountain Creek
Regional Park.  I saw and photographed them both and they are noticeably
different visually.  Both were calling, the Winter Wren two-noted but the
other bird gave 5-6 note calls, neither sounding to me like either a Song
Sparrow or a "hoonko" chip.  If someone wanted to try to tape record
them, they called periodically on their own, no MP3s were used.  One is a
light throated individual and for sure a Winter Wren.  The other
individual is problematic in that it has some features described in Tony
Leukering's Colorado Birds article about separation of the two species
using visual clues.  Kara Carragher (caracara?) and I had very good looks
at both birds in addition to the previously reported Harris's Sparrow and
Kara found the skulking Ovenbird near the concrete portion of the old
sewer pond previously mentioned (Black Phoebe spot from a few years ago).
 Finding the Ovenbird is mostly a matter of luck as it is usually behind
brush and always on the ground.  We dipped on the Pine Warbler and
couldn't find the 'Red Fox Sparrow', but the wrens and Harris's Sparrow
all put on a good show. 

Bill Maynard
Colorado Springs
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