Headed down to Monte Vista this weekend.  Saw 11 Sandhill Cranes at
the Monte Vista NWR on Friday afternoon and another 9 on Saturday
morning.  Tons of Mallards, Northern Pintails and Canada Geese on hand
along with a smattering of Teal, both Green-Winged and Cinnamon.  The
ponds are still mostly frozen over.  There was a decent amount of open
water on the interior of the auto tour loop on Friday, but a lot of it
was iced over on Saturday morning.

Didn't see much going on at Alamosa NWR, aside from a Bald Eagle.
Blanca Wetlands are closed until June 15 for nesting.

I've posted some photos on my Flickr page (link below) and will be
posting more soon.

Rudi Nuissl
Broomfield, CO

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