At Cherry Creek res on Sunday--

Many Yellow Warblers
Many Yellow-rumped Warblers
     1 Myrtle, all the rest Audubon's
Song Sparrows
Clouds of Chipping Sparrows
1 Brewer's Sparrow
1 Bullock's Oriole
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers
Say's Phoebes
Several Western Kingbirds
Millions of swallows:
     N. Rough-winged, Cliff, Barn, and Violet-green
Many White Pelicans
Blue-winged Teal
Some very vocal DC Cormorants
Am. Coots
1 Tern sp.
American Goldfinches
Lazuli Buntings
Blue Herons


Red Rocks feeders

Lazuli Buntings
Song Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrows-- both types
Gray-headed Juncos
Many Spotted Towhees
Curve-billed Thrasher
NO Fox Sparrow
2 or 3 Broad-tailed Hummers
Mtn Chickadee


Around Littleton today

1 Western Tanager
2 Bullock's Orioles
House Wren
Many Yellow Warblers

Dave Cameron

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