It was a great day for birding in Huerfano County. We started in our own
yard, then headed out Valley Road to Lathrop State Park. Stopped back
briefly at the house before heading to Cuchara for some final clean-up on a
job and walked the Spring Creek Trail for a short ways. Then we headed back
to Valley Road.

In our yard were the usual assortment of:
Gray Catbirds
Rufous Hummingbirds
Black-chinned Hummingbirds
Broad-tailed Hummingbirds
Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
Red-naped Sapsucker

Valley Road held some of the best birding of the day starting with:
12 American Kestrals all in one small area...they were there again this
All along the road were hundreds of Lark Sparrows
6 Lark Buntings were seen on the fence line...every time we thought we might
get closer...they flew! (this is a new Huerfano County bird for us)
We hit a very nice mixed flock and saw:
Black-headed Grosbeak (female)
Western Tanager (female
Blue Grosbeak (female)
Yellow Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
BLUE-WINGED WARBLER was the surprise of the day and another new Huerfano
County and also new Colorado bird for us...We have seen Blue-winged Warblers
in Oklahoma, Costa Rica and Honduras...but never here!
Yellow-breasted Chat
next came American Goldfinches
Lesser Goldfinches
a lone House Finch
Mourning Doves
American Flickers
A lone American Robin
Numerous American Crows
a large group of Common Ravens
just a few Turkey Vultures...sigh...I miss my Turkey Vultures!
3 Western Scrub Jays
Eastern Kingbirds
Western Kingbirds
just 2 Mountain Bluebirds
a young Red-tailed Hawk was "kiting"
Western Wood-Peewees

Next it was on to Lathrop to search for that Least luck on that
Chipping Sparrows took the place of the Lark Sparrows in abundance
2 more Western Scrub Jays were seen
2 Great Egrets were present at Horseshoe Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorants
a lone Spotted Sandpiper
Osprey were cruising both lakes
a lone Ring-billed Gull
Pied-billed Grebe
we "re-located" the Green Heron about 15 ft west of where we saw it last
weekend...does that count for "re-location" ;-)
Yellow Warblers
Black-capped Chickadees
Juniper Titmouse
another lone House Finch
more Western and Eastern Kingbirds
a family of Mallards
3 Great Blue Herons

Next it was off to Cuchara where we saw
Red-breasted Nuthatches
Mountain Chickadees
More Western Wood-Peewees
Williamson Sapsucker
more Northern Flickers
Ruby-crowned Kinglets (heard)
Golden-crowned Kinglets (heard)
Yellow-rumped Warblers
Steller's Jay
Lots of American Robins
One Golden Eagle was sitting on the rock wall at the gap

Late this afternoon we headed back out Valley with us this
in one Box Elder we saw:
30+ Lark Sparrows
a pair of Western Tanager
a pair of Blue Grosbeak
Mourning doves
a lone American Robin
Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
Tennessee Warbler
we failed to re-locate the Lark Buntings and Blue-winged Warbler (we really
wanted photos!)

We really had a great day!

Polly Wren and Paul Neldner
La Veta
Huerfano County

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