Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date:  December 22, 2011
phone:  303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, December 22, 2001
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the
recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.
Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including
county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would
spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information
on this species in this report)

BRANT (Douglas/Jefferson, Otero)
TUNDRA SWAN (Delta, *Montrose)
Surf Scoter (Pueblo)
White-winged Scoter (Jefferson, Pueblo)
Long-tailed Duck (Denver, El Paso)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Pueblo, Summit)
Pacific Loon (Pueblo)
Thayer's Gull (*El Paso, Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Denver, Pueblo)
Glaucous Gull (Douglas/Jefferson, Pueblo)
Western Screech-Owl (Mesa)
SNOWY OWL (Logan, Logan/Sedgwick)
Northern Saw-Whet Owl (*Mesa)
White-winged Dove (*Mesa, Pueblo)
Black Phoebe (Mesa, Pueblo)
Carolina Wren (Yuma)
Winter Wren (Boulder)
PINE WARBLER (Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Swamp Sparrow (Boulder, Mesa, Pueblo)
Field Sparrow (Yuma)
White-throated Sparrow (Boulder, *Mesa, Pueblo)
Harris's Sparrow (Boulder, Delta, *El Paso, Jefferson, Pueblo, Yuma)
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Lapland Longspur (Douglas/Jefferson, Sedgwick)
Rusty Blackbird (Douglas/Jefferson, Pueblo)
Black Rosy-Finch (Conejos, Huerfano)
Common Redpoll (Grand, Yuma)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations
can be found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

Arapahoe County:
--An ad m PINE WARBLER was reported by Becky Campbell coming to her
suet feeder in the backyard on December 8.  Campbell reported on
December 19 that the PINE WARBLER continues to visit the suet
feeder.   Please contact Campbell at 303-771-0897.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Niyo at Centennial Pond
on December 14.

Boulder County:
--A Winter Wren was reported by Heinrich on December 9 along Boulder
Creek west of 75th.  It was feeding in one of the sewage treatment
plant outlets.  On December 15, Blackford found the Winter Wren along
the bank of Boulder Creek.
--On the  Boulder CBC on December 18, Schmoker reported GOLDEN-CROWNED
SPARROW, White-throated Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, and Swamp Sparrow.
--Directions for the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW:  park in Teller Farms
North Parking Lot on Valmont west of 95th St.  The bird feeds along
the east end of the juniper stand which is on the south side of the
parking lot.  Directions provided by Scott Severs.
This is the same location where the bird was found last year.

Conejos County:
--All three species of Rosy-Finches were reported by Rawinski on the
Monte Vista NWR CBC
on December 17.

Delta County:
--A young TUNDRA SWAN was reported by Garrison around 10am on December
11 on ice at a pond across from Escalante SWA but was gone when he
returned later.  On December 13, Garrison reported that the swan was back.
--2 TRUMPETER SWANS were reported by Garrison at Confluence Park in
Delta on December 16.
--On the Delta CBC, Garrison reported 1 TUNDRA SWAN, 1 TRUMPETER SWAN, and
1 Harris's Sparrow on December 18.

Denver County:
--A female type Long-Tailed Duck was reported by Wuerthele at Duck
Lake in City Park on November 22 and was relocated by Wuerthele on December 7.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Kellner at Marston
Reservoir on December 17 on the Denver CBC.

Douglas/Jefferson Counties:
--At Chatfield State Park:
--2 "pale-bellied" Atlantic BRANT were reported by Komar at Chatfield in the SW
corner on November 30.   On December  17, Kellner reported that the BRANT
were seen at mouth of Plum Creek on the Denver CBC.
--6 Rusty Blackbirds were reported by Hodges at Chatfield at Plum
Creek Delta on December 18.

El Paso County:
--A Long-tailed Duck was reported by Driscoll on a lake by I-25 and S
Circle Drive on December 10.  On December 19, Pals reported that the
Long-tailed Duck continues at the Doubletree Hotel Pond.
--A juv Thayer's Gull was reported by Percival at the Midway Landfilll
on December 21.  The landfill is west of I-25 at Exit 119
--A Harris's Sparrow was reported by Percival at the feeders at
Fountain Creek Regional Park on December 21.

Grand County:
--35 Common Redpolls were reported by Binkley on CR 55 about 3.5 - 4
miles west of US 40 south of Granby on December 18

Huerfano County:
--All three species of Rosy-Finches have returned to the yard of
Beverly Jensen in La Veta on December 19.  Please contact her at for more information.

Jefferson County:
--Henwood reported that the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was seen at Red
Rocks Trading Post on December 21.
--At Bear Creek Lake Park, Henwood reported 2 Harris's Sparrows (1 ad,
1 1-st yr) on December 5.   On December 17, Kellner reported 2 Harris's Sparrows
at Bear Creek Lake Park on the Denver CBC.
--A White-winged Scoter was reported by Kellner at South Platte Park
Reservoir on December 17 on the Denver CBC.
--A PINE WARBLER was reported by Roller at Denver West Office Park on
December 19.  It was with a mixed flock of junco, chickadees and
nuthatches in a riparian area of Lena Gulch which is east of Bldg 4.

Larimer County:
--A juv YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported by Leatherman at
Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins on December 21.

Logan County:
--A SNOWY OWL was reported by Dunning on the Sterling CBC at CR 44
west of CR 33 on December 20. This is north of Sterling near North
Sterling SP.

Logan/Segwick Counties:
--A SNOWY OWL was reported by Steinkamp at Jumbo Reservoir on December
20.  The Jumbo owl is whiter than the North Sertling Owl.

Mesa County:
--On the Grand Junction CBC on December 18, Arnold reported 54 Western
Screech-Owls -- a new record high, 1 Northern Saw-whet Owl, 2 Black
Phoebe, 1 Swamp Sparrow,
1 White-winged Dove, and 1 White-throated Sparrow.

Montrose County:
--6 TUNDRA SWANS were reported by Siders on the Montrose CBC on December 17.

Otero County:
--On the Rocky Ford CBC on December 15, Oswald reported that Nick Moore
and Mark Peterson found a BRANT at Lake Cheraw.

Pueblo County:
--On the Pueblo Reservoir CBC on December 17, Percival reported:
 1 Surf Scoter, 1 White-winged Scoter, 4 Barrow's Goldeneyes, 1
Pacific Loon, 2 Thayer's Gulls,
 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 1 Glaucous Gull, 1 GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL,
 50 White-winged Doves, 1 Greater Roadrunner, 1 YELLOW-BELLIED
SAPSUCKER, 4 Black Phoebe,
 1 White-throated Sparrow, 1 Harris's Sparrow, 7 Rusty Blackbirds.

Summit County:
--At the Blue River Water Treatment Plant in Silverthorne, Nims
reported 13 Barrow's Goldeneyes on December 17.

Yuma County:
--On the Bonny CBC on December 16, Walbek reported:
 Carolina Wren near Foster's Grove CG, 3 Field Sparrows, Harris's Sparrow,
 PURPLE FINCH, and Common Redpoll.

Christmas Counts start on December 14.  Here are the remaining counts:

Date     Circle                            Compiler

12/24    Rawhide Energy Station Douglas Kibbe
12/24    Spanish Peaks             David Silverman
12/26    Cortez                         Carolyn Gunn
12/29    Flager                          William Kaempfer
12/31    Great Sand Dunes NP   Phyllis Pineda Bovin
12/31    Hotchkiss                     Jason Beason
 1/1      Crook                           Steve Larson
 1/1      Grand Mesa                  Paul Didier
 1/1      Denver Urban                Hugh Kingery
 1/1      Loveland                       Nick Komar
 1/2      Pagosa Springs            Beverly Compton
 1/2      Barr Lake                     Chuck Hundertmark
 1/5      Black Forest                 Hugh Kingery

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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